Studierea tradiţiilor, a specificităţii turismului rural și agroturismului, a activităţilor şi serviciilor conexe sectorului ospitalității, a construcţiilor specifice diferitelor zone, a tehnologiilor utilizate în alimentația publică le va permite absolvenţilor să ofere clienţilor servicii de calitate. Pe lângă serviciile de calitate, profitabilitatea afacerii este un aspect esențial, însușit prin studierea disciplinelor de Management, Microeconomie, Macroeconomie, Marketing, Analiză tehnico-economică, Întreprindere simulată.

Descoperă planurile de învățământ

Strategic Management and Project Portfolios        To introduce the subject to the students and make them understand its process, levels and to identify and link strategy formulation and implementation with environmental analysis.
Management of rural tourism resources      Knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories and basic methods of field and of specialization area; their appropriate use in professional communicationn. Awareness of the continue need for training; efficient use of resources and learning techniques for personal and professional development. The course aims to deepen the students’ knowledge of rural tourism resources in Romania.At the same time, students will calculate, evaluate and compare the agritourism potential in each county.
Finally, they will apply modern methods of rural tourism resources management from the main rural tourism areas in the country.
Economics of Services      By the end of the course students will be able to:
– understand the services economics characteristic, the evolution process and the growing role of services in economy.
Communication and Negotiation in Business      Assimilation and strengthening of the fundamental knowledge (basics) within the Communication and Negotiation in Business field through a comprehensive approach of the communication forms, styles, strategies and difficulties (including barriers) frequently met during the negotiation process in order to (better) understand and deal in a negotiation process
Diagnosis and evaluation of rural tourism and public alimentation units      Discipline aims to deepen the knowledge of those attending master with theoretical methodological and practical concepts, necessary for elaborating economic diagnosis for agritourism and public alimentation units
Tourism arrangement of the territory      The course addresses graduates enrolled in masters and aims at preparing specialists in organizing tourist territory.
Depth Methods of Administration      Knowledge and understanding of concepts, theories and basic methods of field and area of specialization; their appropriate use in professional communication;
Awareness of the need for training; efficient use of resources and learning techniques for personal and professional development.
Risk Management       Assimilation of theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge regarding risk management
Construction Projects       Develop skills on compliance with safety requirements and sustainability in construction;
Skills development concerning compliance of compliance on the sustainable development of civil buildings
Program(s) Management      Discipline aims to familiarize students with the general concepts on management programs, how programs are developed, implemented and managed
Financial management of tourist units      Increasing knowledge and use of specific terms of the farms. Methods for calculating the investment analysis and financial planning in agricultural enterprises
Services Marketing      Better understanding regarding the marketing strategies applied for services but also regarding problems of the marketing functions in tourism services, hospitality, with an emphasis on agritourism.
Quality Management  
Authorization and Control in Public Food Service and Tourism     Analysis of the main activities related to the authorization and control of public catering and agrotourism. The acquisition by the students of the management of the activities of authorization of the units and of the personnel from the public alimentation and agrotourism. 
Restaurant Technology       The course aims at adapting to the modern requirements of the art of services and gastronomy in the public catering establishments, making it a tool of great utility for the theoretical, professional and especially practical study.
Optional B 1 Rural Sociology      The main objective of the course is to offer the most important theories and concepts in the field of rural sociology. Students as future specialists are going to be aware of applicative knowledge provided by rural sociology.
Optional B 2 Economics, Expertise and Environment Control        Acquiring knowledge and developing the ability to analyze the state of the environment and related issues, public action tools, competitive stakes and enterprise strategies in the field
Developing the ability and ability to formulate a strategy tailored to environmental rebuilding using the points of project development and pilot actions to reduce pollution from the source at source.
Developing the ability to conserve and use natural resources intelligently.
Investment management in tourism      Discipline aims to deepen the knowledge of those attending master with theoretical methodological and practical concepts, necessary for elaborating investments
Travel Agency Management      Acquiring knowledge and skills in the management of a travel agency.
Ethics and academic integrity     The course allows students to master the main issues of academic ethics and integrity. The course provides students with the necessary knowledge to: understand specific concepts; respect values and ethical principles; acquiring the fundamental values of academic integrity; understanding the consequences of non-compliance with academic integrity and ethical values; knowing the forms of deviation from academic integrity; developing the skills needed to ensure academic integrity; the correct use of information sources.